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CRD API Reference


Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the windtunnel v1alpha1 API group

Resource Types


Column defines the metadata of the column data.

Appears in:

name stringName defines the name of the column.
type stringType defines the data type of the column. Should match the type with one of the provided types.
params object (keys:string, values:string)Params defines the parameters for constructing the data give certain data type.
formula FormulaSpecFormula defines the formula applies to the column data.


CostExporter is the Schema for the costexporters API

Appears in:

kind stringCostExporter
metadata ObjectMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec CostExporterSpecSpec defines the specifictions of the CostExporter.


CostExporterList contains a list of CostExporter

kind stringCostExporterList
metadata ListMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items CostExporter arrayItems defines a list of CostExporters.


CostExporterSpec defines the desired state of CostExporter

Appears in:

s3Bucket stringS3Bucket defines the AWS S3 bucket name where stores the cost logs.
cloudServiceProvider stringCloudServiceProvider defines the target cloud service provide for calculating cost.
secretRef ObjectReferenceSecretRef defines the reference to the Kubernetes Secret where stores the credentials of cloud service provider


DataSet is the Schema for the datasets API

Appears in:

kind stringDataSet
metadata ObjectMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec DataSetSpecSpec defines the specifications of the DataSet.


DataSetList contains a list of DataSet

kind stringDataSetList
metadata ListMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items DataSet arrayItems defines a list of DataSets.


DataSetSpec defines the desired state of DataSet

Appears in:

fileFormat stringFileFormat defines the file format of the each file containing the generated data. This may or may not be the output file format based on whether you want to compress these files.
compressedFileFormat stringCompressedFileFormat defines the file format for the compressed files. Each file inside the compressed file is of "fileFormat" format specified above. This is the output format if specified for the files.
compressPerSchema booleanCompressPerSchema defines the flag of compression. If you wish files from all the different schemas to compressed into one compressed file leave this field as false. If you wish to have a different compressed file for every schema, mark this field as true.
numFiles integerNumberOfFiles defines the total number of output files irrespective of compression. Unless "compressPerSchema" is false, this field is applicable per schema.
schemas SchemaSelector arraySchemas defines a list of Schemas.
parallelJobs integerParallelJobs defines the number of parallel jobs when generating the dataset. TODO: Infer the optimal number of parallel jobs automatically.


DeploymentConfig defines the desired state of modules managed as Deployment

Appears in:

image stringImage defines the container image to use
replicas integerReplicas defines the desired number of replicas
resources ResourceRequirementsResources defines the resource requirements per replica


Endpoint defines the configuration of the endpoint.

Appears in:

name stringName defines the name of the endpoint. It's required when it's for pipeline endpoint.
http HTTPHTTP defines the configuration of the HTTP request. It's mutually exclusive with WebSocket and GRPC.
websocket WebSocketWebSocket defines the configuration of the WebSocket connection. It's mutually exclusive with HTTP and GRPC.
grpc GRPCGRPC defines the configuration of the gRPC request. It's mutually exclusive with HTTP and WebSocket.
serviceRef ObjectReferenceServiceRef defines the Kubernetes Service that exposes metrics.
port stringName of the Service port which this endpoint refers to.

It takes precedence over targetPort.
targetPort IntOrStringName or number of the target port of the Pod object behind the Service, the port must be specified with container port property.

Deprecated: use port instead.
path stringHTTP path from which to scrape for metrics.

If empty, Prometheus uses the default value (e.g. /metrics).
scheme stringHTTP scheme to use for scraping.

http and https are the expected values unless you rewrite the __scheme__ label via relabeling.

If empty, Prometheus uses the default value http.
params object (keys:string, values:string array)params define optional HTTP URL parameters.
interval DurationInterval at which Prometheus scrapes the metrics from the target.

If empty, Prometheus uses the global scrape interval.
scrapeTimeout DurationTimeout after which Prometheus considers the scrape to be failed.

If empty, Prometheus uses the global scrape timeout unless it is less than the target's scrape interval value in which the latter is used.
tlsConfig TLSConfigTLS configuration to use when scraping the target.
bearerTokenFile stringFile to read bearer token for scraping the target.

Deprecated: use authorization instead.
bearerTokenSecret SecretKeySelectorbearerTokenSecret specifies a key of a Secret containing the bearer token for scraping targets. The secret needs to be in the same namespace as the ServiceMonitor object and readable by the Prometheus Operator.

Deprecated: use authorization instead.
authorization SafeAuthorizationauthorization configures the Authorization header credentials to use when scraping the target.

Cannot be set at the same time as basicAuth, or oauth2.
honorLabels booleanWhen true, honorLabels preserves the metric's labels when they collide with the target's labels.
honorTimestamps booleanhonorTimestamps controls whether Prometheus preserves the timestamps when exposed by the target.
trackTimestampsStaleness booleantrackTimestampsStaleness defines whether Prometheus tracks staleness of the metrics that have an explicit timestamp present in scraped data. Has no effect if honorTimestamps is false.

It requires Prometheus >= v2.48.0.
basicAuth BasicAuthbasicAuth configures the Basic Authentication credentials to use when scraping the target.

Cannot be set at the same time as authorization, or oauth2.
oauth2 OAuth2oauth2 configures the OAuth2 settings to use when scraping the target.

It requires Prometheus >= 2.27.0.

Cannot be set at the same time as authorization, or basicAuth.
metricRelabelings RelabelConfig arraymetricRelabelings configures the relabeling rules to apply to the samples before ingestion.
relabelings RelabelConfig arrayrelabelings configures the relabeling rules to apply the target's metadata labels.

The Operator automatically adds relabelings for a few standard Kubernetes fields.

The original scrape job's name is available via the __tmp_prometheus_job_name label.

More info:
proxyUrl stringproxyURL configures the HTTP Proxy URL (e.g. "http://proxyserver:2195") to go through when scraping the target.
followRedirects booleanfollowRedirects defines whether the scrape requests should follow HTTP 3xx redirects.
enableHttp2 booleanenableHttp2 can be used to disable HTTP2 when scraping the target.
filterRunning booleanWhen true, the pods which are not running (e.g. either in Failed or Succeeded state) are dropped during the target discovery.

If unset, the filtering is enabled.

More info:


Experiment is the Schema for the experiments API

Appears in:

kind stringExperiment
metadata ObjectMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ExperimentSpecSpec defines the specifications of the Experiment.


ExperimentList contains a list of Experiments.

kind stringExperimentList
metadata ListMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Experiment arrayItems defines a list of Experiment.


ExperimentSpec defines the desired state of Experiment

Appears in:

pipelineRef ObjectReferencePipelineRef defines s reference of the Pipeline object.
loadPatterns LoadPatternConfig arrayLoadPatterns defines a list of configuration of name of endpoints and LoadPatterns.
scheduledTime TimeScheduledTime defines the scheduled time for the Experiment.


ExtraMetrics defines the configurations of getting extra metrics.

Appears in:

system SystemMetricsSystem defines the configurfation of getting system metrics.
messageQueue MessageQueueMetricsMessageQueue defines the configurfation of getting message queue related metrics.


FormulaSpec defines the specification of the formula.

Appears in:

name stringName defines the name of the formula. Should match the name with one of the provided formulas.
args string arrayArgs defines the arugments for calling the formula.


GRPC defines the configurations of gRPC protocol. TODO: Validate the gRPC library in K6 and update the API.

Appears in:

address stringPlaceholder.
protoFiles string arrayPlaceholder.
url stringPlaceholder.
params object (keys:string, values:string)Placeholder.
request object (keys:string, values:string)Placeholder.


HTTP defines the configurations of HTTP protocol.

Appears in:

url stringURL defines the absolute path for an entry point of the Pipeline.
method stringMethod defines the HTTP method used for the endpoint.
headers object (keys:string, values:string)Headers defines a map of HTTP headers.
body HTTPBodySpecBody defines the configurations of the HTTP request body.


HTTPBodySpec defines the configurations of the HTTP request body. User can specify either Data or DataSetRef, but not both fields.

Appears in:

data string
dataSetRef ObjectReference


LoadPattern is the Schema for the loadpatterns API

Appears in:

kind stringLoadPattern
metadata ObjectMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec LoadPatternSpecSpec defines the specification of the LoadPattern.


LoadPatternConfig defines the configuration of the load pattern in the experiment.

Appears in:

endpointName stringEndpointName defines the name of endpoint where to send the requests. It should match the name of endpoint declared in the specification of the pipeline.
loadPatternRef ObjectReferenceLoadPatternRef defines s reference of the LoadPattern object.


LoadPatternList contains a list of LoadPattern

kind stringLoadPatternList
metadata ListMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items LoadPattern arrayItems defines a list of LoadPattern.


LoadPatternSpec defines the desired state of LoadPattern

Appears in:

stages Stage arrayStages defines a list of stages for the LoadPattern.
preAllocatedVUs integerPreAllocatedVUs defines pre-allocated virtual users for the K6 load generator.
startRate integerStartRate defines the initial requests per second when the K6 load generator starts.
maxVUs integerMaxVUs defines the maximum virtual users for the K6 load generator.
timeUnit stringTimeUnit defines the unit of the time for K6 load generator.


MessageQueueMetrics defines the configurations of getting message queue related metrics.

Appears in:


Pipeline is the Schema for the pipelines API

Appears in:

kind stringPipeline
metadata ObjectMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec PipelineSpecSpec defines the specifications of the Pipeline.


PipelineList contains a list of Pipeline

kind stringPipelineList
metadata ListMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Pipeline arrayItems defines a list of Pipelines.


PipelineSpec defines the desired state of Pipeline

Appears in:

pipelineEndpoints Endpoint arrayEndpoints for pipeline-under-test.
healthCheckEndpoints string arrayEndpoints for health check.
metricsEndpoint EndpointEndpoints for metrics.
extraMetrics ExtraMetricsExtra metrics, such as CPU utilzation, I/O and etc.
inCluster booleanIn cluster flag. True indecates the pipeline-under-test is deployed in the same cluster as the plantD. Otherwise it should be False.
cloudVendor stringState which cloud service provider the pipeline is deployed.
enableCostCalculation booleanCost calculation flag.
experimentRef ObjectReferenceInternal usage. For experiment object to lock the pipeline object.


PlantDCore is the Schema for the plantdcores API

Appears in:

kind stringPlantDCore
metadata ObjectMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec PlantDCoreSpec


PlantDCoreList contains a list of PlantDCore

kind stringPlantDCoreList
metadata ListMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items PlantDCore array


PlantDCoreSpec defines the desired state of PlantDCore

Appears in:

kubeProxy DeploymentConfigINSERT ADDITIONAL SPEC FIELDS - desired state of cluster Important: Run "make" to regenerate code after modifying this file KubeProxyConfig defines the desire state of PlantD Kube Proxy
studio DeploymentConfigStudioConfig defines the desire state of PlantD Studio
prometheus PrometheusConfigPrometheusConfig defines the desire state of Prometheus
redis DeploymentConfigRedisConfig defines the desire state of Redis


PrometheusConfig defines the desired state of Prometheus

Appears in:

scrapeInterval DurationScrapeInterval defines the desired time length between scrapings
replicas integerReplicas defines the desired number of replicas
resources ResourceRequirementsResources defines the resource requirements per replica


Schema is the Schema for the schemas API

Appears in:

kind stringSchema
metadata ObjectMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec SchemaSpecSpec defines the specifications of the Schema.


SchemaList contains a list of Schema

kind stringSchemaList
metadata ListMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Schema arrayItems defines a list of Schemas.


SchemaSelector defines a list of Schemas and the required numbers and format.

Appears in:

name stringName defines the name of the Schame. Should match the name of existing Schema in the same namespace as the DataSet.
numRecords object (keys:string, values:integer)NumRecords defines the number of records to be generated in each output file. A random number is picked from the specified range.
numFilesPerCompressedFile object (keys:string, values:integer)NumberOfFilesPerCompressedFile defines the number of intermediate files to be compressed into a single compressed file. A random number is picked from the specified range.


SchemaSpec defines the desired state of Schema

Appears in:

columns Column arrayColumns defines a list of column specifications.


Stage defines the stage configuration of the load.

Appears in:

target integerTarget defines the target requests per second.
duration stringDuration defines the duration of the current stage.


SystemMetrics defines the configurations of getting system metrics.

Appears in:

tags object (keys:string, values:string)Tags defines the tags for the resources of the pipeline-under-test in the cloud service provider.
secretRef ObjectReferenceSecretRef defines the reference to the Kubernetes Secret object for authentication on the cloud service provider.


WebSocket defines the configurations of websocket protocol. TODO: Validate the websocket library in K6 and update the API.

Appears in:

url stringPlaceholder.
params object (keys:string, values:string)Placeholder.
callback stringPlaceholder.