Name | Description | Type | Parameters |
achaccount | A bank account number used for Automated Clearing House transactions and electronic transfers | string | |
achrouting | Unique nine-digit code used in the U.S. for identifying the bank and processing electronic transactions | string | |
bitcoinaddress | Cryptographic identifier used to receive, store, and send Bitcoin cryptocurrency in a peer-to-peer network | string | |
bitcoinprivatekey | Secret, secure code that allows the owner to access and control their Bitcoin holdings | string | |
creditcard | Plastic card allowing users to make purchases on credit, with payment due at a later date | map[string]any | |
creditcardcvv | Three or four-digit security code on a credit card used for online and remote transactions | string | |
creditcardexp | Date when a credit card becomes invalid and cannot be used for transactions | string | |
creditcardnumber | Unique numerical identifier on a credit card used for making electronic payments and transactions | string | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
types | A select number of types you want to use when generating a credit card number | []string | False | all | visa mastercard american-express diners-club discover jcb unionpay maestro elo hiper hipercard | bins | Optional list of prepended bin numbers to pick from | []string | True | | | gaps | Whether or not to have gaps in number | bool | False | false | |
creditcardtype | Classification of credit cards based on the issuing company | string | |
currency | Medium of exchange, often in the form of paper money or coins, used for trade and transactions | map[string]string | |
currencylong | Complete name of a specific currency used for official identification in financial transactions | string | |
currencyshort | Short 3-letter word used to represent a specific currency | string | |
price | The amount of money or value assigned to a product, service, or asset in a transaction | float64 | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
min | Minimum price value | float | False | 0 | | max | Maximum price value | float | False | 1000 | |
Name | Description | Type | Parameters |
address | Residential location including street, city, state, country and postal code | map[string]any | |
city | Part of a country with significant population, often a central hub for culture and commerce | string | |
country | Nation with its own government and defined territory | string | |
countryabr | Shortened 2-letter form of a country's name | string | |
latitude | Geographic coordinate specifying north-south position on Earth's surface | float | |
latituderange | Latitude number between the given range (default min=0, max=90) | float | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
min | Minimum range | float | False | 0 | | max | Maximum range | float | False | 90 | |
longitude | Geographic coordinate indicating east-west position on Earth's surface | float | |
longituderange | Longitude number between the given range (default min=0, max=180) | float | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
min | Minimum range | float | False | 0 | | max | Maximum range | float | False | 180 | |
state | Governmental division within a country, often having its own laws and government | string | |
stateabr | Shortened 2-letter form of a country's state | string | |
street | Public road in a city or town, typically with houses and buildings on each side | string | |
streetname | Name given to a specific road or street | string | |
streetnumber | Numerical identifier assigned to a street | string | |
streetprefix | Directional or descriptive term preceding a street name, like 'East' or 'Main' | string | |
streetsuffix | Designation at the end of a street name indicating type, like 'Avenue' or 'Street' | string | |
zip | Numerical code for postal address sorting, specific to a geographic area | string | |
Name | Description | Type | Parameters |
adjective | Word describing or modifying a noun | string | |
adjectivedemonstrative | Adjective used to point out specific things | string | |
adjectivedescriptive | Adjective that provides detailed characteristics about a noun | string | |
adjectiveindefinite | Adjective describing a non-specific noun | string | |
adjectiveinterrogative | Adjective used to ask questions | string | |
adjectivepossessive | Adjective indicating ownership or possession | string | |
adjectiveproper | Adjective derived from a proper noun, often used to describe nationality or origin | string | |
adjectivequantitative | Adjective that indicates the quantity or amount of something | string | |
adverb | Word that modifies verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs | string | |
adverbdegree | Adverb that indicates the degree or intensity of an action or adjective | string | |
adverbfrequencydefinite | Adverb that specifies how often an action occurs with a clear frequency | string | |
adverbfrequencyindefinite | Adverb that specifies how often an action occurs without specifying a particular frequency | string | |
adverbmanner | Adverb that describes how an action is performed | string | |
adverbplace | Adverb that indicates the location or direction of an action | string | |
adverbtimedefinite | Adverb that specifies the exact time an action occurs | string | |
adverbtimeindefinite | Adverb that gives a general or unspecified time frame | string | |
comment | Statement or remark expressing an opinion, observation, or reaction | string | |
connective | Word used to connect words or sentences | string | |
connectivecasual | Connective word used to indicate a cause-and-effect relationship between events or actions | string | |
connectivecomparative | Connective word used to indicate a comparison between two or more things | string | |
connectivecomplaint | Connective word used to express dissatisfaction or complaints about a situation | string | |
connectiveexamplify | Connective word used to provide examples or illustrations of a concept or idea | string | |
connectivelisting | Connective word used to list or enumerate items or examples | string | |
connectivetime | Connective word used to indicate a temporal relationship between events or actions | string | |
interjection | Word expressing emotion | string | |
loremipsumparagraph | Paragraph of the Lorem Ipsum placeholder text used in design and publishing | string | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
paragraphcount | Number of paragraphs | int | False | 2 | | sentencecount | Number of sentences in a paragraph | int | False | 2 | | wordcount | Number of words in a sentence | int | False | 5 | | paragraphseparator | String value to add between paragraphs | string | False | <br /> | |
loremipsumsentence | Sentence of the Lorem Ipsum placeholder text used in design and publishing | string | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
wordcount | Number of words in a sentence | int | False | 5 | |
loremipsumword | Word of the Lorem Ipsum placeholder text used in design and publishing | string | |
noun | Person, place, thing, or idea, named or referred to in a sentence | string | |
nounabstract | Ideas, qualities, or states that cannot be perceived with the five senses | string | |
nouncollectiveanimal | Group of animals, like a 'pack' of wolves or a 'flock' of birds | string | |
nouncollectivepeople | Group of people or things regarded as a unit | string | |
nouncollectivething | Group of objects or items, such as a 'bundle' of sticks or a 'cluster' of grapes | string | |
nouncommon | General name for people, places, or things, not specific or unique | string | |
nounconcrete | Names for physical entities experienced through senses like sight, touch, smell, or taste | string | |
nouncountable | Items that can be counted individually | string | |
noundeterminer | Word that introduces a noun and identifies it as a noun | string | |
nounproper | Specific name for a particular person, place, or organization | string | |
noununcountable | Items that can't be counted individually | string | |
paragraph | Distinct section of writing covering a single theme, composed of multiple sentences | string | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
paragraphcount | Number of paragraphs | int | False | 2 | | sentencecount | Number of sentences in a paragraph | int | False | 2 | | wordcount | Number of words in a sentence | int | False | 5 | | paragraphseparator | String value to add between paragraphs | string | False | <br /> | |
phrase | A small group of words standing together | string | |
phraseadverb | Phrase that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb, providing additional information. | string | |
phrasenoun | Phrase with a noun as its head, functions within sentence like a noun | string | |
phrasepreposition | Phrase starting with a preposition, showing relation between elements in a sentence. | string | |
phraseverb | Phrase that Consists of a verb and its modifiers, expressing an action or state | string | |
preposition | Words used to express the relationship of a noun or pronoun to other words in a sentence | string | |
prepositioncompound | Preposition that can be formed by combining two or more prepositions | string | |
prepositiondouble | Two-word combination preposition, indicating a complex relation | string | |
prepositionsimple | Single-word preposition showing relationships between 2 parts of a sentence | string | |
pronoun | Word used in place of a noun to avoid repetition | string | |
pronoundemonstrative | Pronoun that points out specific people or things | string | |
pronounindefinite | Pronoun that does not refer to a specific person or thing | string | |
pronouninterrogative | Pronoun used to ask questions | string | |
pronounobject | Pronoun used as the object of a verb or preposition | string | |
pronounpersonal | Pronoun referring to a specific persons or things | string | |
pronounpossessive | Pronoun indicating ownership or belonging | string | |
pronounreflective | Pronoun referring back to the subject of the sentence | string | |
pronounrelative | Pronoun that introduces a clause, referring back to a noun or pronoun | string | |
question | Statement formulated to inquire or seek clarification | string | |
quote | Direct repetition of someone else's words | string | |
sentence | Set of words expressing a statement, question, exclamation, or command | string | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
wordcount | Number of words in a sentence | int | False | 5 | |
sentencesimple | Group of words that expresses a complete thought | string | |
verb | Word expressing an action, event or state | string | |
verbaction | Verb Indicating a physical or mental action | string | |
verbhelping | Auxiliary verb that helps the main verb complete the sentence | string | |
verbintransitive | Verb that does not require a direct object to complete its meaning | string | |
verblinking | Verb that Connects the subject of a sentence to a subject complement | string | |
verbtransitive | Verb that requires a direct object to complete its meaning | string | |
word | Basic unit of language representing a concept or thing, consisting of letters and having meaning | string | |
Name | Description | Type | Parameters |
chromeuseragent | The specific identification string sent by the Google Chrome web browser when making requests on the internet | string | |
domainname | Human-readable web address used to identify websites on the internet | string | |
domainsuffix | The part of a domain name that comes after the last dot, indicating its type or purpose | string | |
firefoxuseragent | The specific identification string sent by the Firefox web browser when making requests on the internet | string | |
httpmethod | Verb used in HTTP requests to specify the desired action to be performed on a resource | string | |
httpstatuscode | Random http status code | int | |
httpstatuscodesimple | Three-digit number returned by a web server to indicate the outcome of an HTTP request | int | |
httpversion | Number indicating the version of the HTTP protocol used for communication between a client and a server | string | |
ipv4address | Numerical label assigned to devices on a network for identification and communication | string | |
ipv6address | Numerical label assigned to devices on a network, providing a larger address space than IPv4 for internet communication | string | |
loglevel | Classification used in logging to indicate the severity or priority of a log entry | string | |
macaddress | Unique identifier assigned to network interfaces, often used in Ethernet networks | string | |
operauseragent | The specific identification string sent by the Opera web browser when making requests on the internet | string | |
safariuseragent | The specific identification string sent by the Safari web browser when making requests on the internet | string | |
url | Web address that specifies the location of a resource on the internet | string | |
useragent | String sent by a web browser to identify itself when requesting web content | string | |
Name | Description | Type | Parameters |
date | Representation of a specific day, month, and year, often used for chronological reference | string | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
format | Date time string format output. You may also use golang time format or java time format | string | False | RFC3339 | ANSIC UnixDate RubyDate RFC822 RFC822Z RFC850 RFC1123 RFC1123Z RFC3339 RFC3339Nano |
daterange | Random date between two ranges | string | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
startdate | Start date time string | string | False | 1970-01-01 | | enddate | End date time string | string | False | 2024-03-20 | | format | Date time string format | string | False | yyyy-MM-dd | |
day | 24-hour period equivalent to one rotation of Earth on its axis | int | |
futuretime | Date that has occurred after the current moment in time | time | |
hour | Unit of time equal to 60 minutes | int | |
minute | Unit of time equal to 60 seconds | int | |
month | Division of the year, typically 30 or 31 days long | string | |
monthstring | String Representation of a month name | string | |
nanosecond | Unit of time equal to One billionth (10^-9) of a second | int | |
pasttime | Date that has occurred before the current moment in time | time | |
second | Unit of time equal to 1/60th of a minute | int | |
timezone | Region where the same standard time is used, based on longitudinal divisions of the Earth | string | |
timezoneabv | Abbreviated 3-letter word of a timezone | string | |
timezonefull | Full name of a timezone | string | |
timezoneoffset | The difference in hours from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for a specific region | float32 | |
timezoneregion | Geographic area sharing the same standard time | string | |
weekday | Day of the week excluding the weekend | string | |
year | Period of 365 days, the time Earth takes to orbit the Sun | int | |
Name | Description | Type | Parameters |
float32 | Data type representing floating-point numbers with 32 bits of precision in computing | float32 | |
float32range | Float32 value between given range | float32 | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
min | Minimum float32 value | float | False | | | max | Maximum float32 value | float | False | | |
float64 | Data type representing floating-point numbers with 64 bits of precision in computing | float64 | |
float64range | Float64 value between given range | float64 | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
min | Minimum float64 value | float | False | | | max | Maximum float64 value | float | False | | |
hexuint | Hexadecimal representation of an unsigned integer | string | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
bitSize | Bit size of the unsigned integer | int | False | 8 | |
int | Signed integer | int | |
int16 | Signed 16-bit integer, capable of representing values from 32,768 to 32,767 | int16 | |
int32 | Signed 32-bit integer, capable of representing values from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 | int32 | |
int64 | Signed 64-bit integer, capable of representing values from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to -9,223,372,036,854,775,807 | int64 | |
int8 | Signed 8-bit integer, capable of representing values from -128 to 127 | int8 | |
intn | Integer value between 0 and n | int | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
n | Maximum int value | int | False | 2147483647 | |
intrange | Integer value between given range | int | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
min | Minimum int value | int | False | | | max | Maximum int value | int | False | | |
number | Mathematical concept used for counting, measuring, and expressing quantities or values | int | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
min | Minimum integer value | int | False | -2147483648 | | max | Maximum integer value | int | False | 2147483647 | |
randomint | Randomly selected value from a slice of int | int | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
ints | Delimited separated integers | []int | False | | |
randomuint | Randomly selected value from a slice of uint | uint | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
uints | Delimited separated unsigned integers | []uint | False | | |
shuffleints | Shuffles an array of ints | []int | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
ints | Delimited separated integers | []int | False | | |
uint | Unsigned integer | uint | |
uint16 | Unsigned 16-bit integer, capable of representing values from 0 to 65,535 | uint16 | |
uint32 | Unsigned 32-bit integer, capable of representing values from 0 to 4,294,967,295 | uint32 | |
uint64 | Unsigned 64-bit integer, capable of representing values from 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 | uint64 | |
uint8 | Unsigned 8-bit integer, capable of representing values from 0 to 255 | uint8 | |
uintn | Unsigned integer between 0 and n | uint | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
n | Maximum uint value | uint | False | 4294967295 | |
uintrange | Non-negative integer value between given range | uint | Name | Description | Type | Optional | Default | Options |
min | Minimum uint value | uint | False | 0 | | max | Maximum uint value | uint | False | 4294967295 | |
Name | Description | Type | Parameters |
minecraftanimal | Non-hostile creatures in Minecraft, often used for resources and farming | string | |
minecraftarmorpart | Component of an armor set in Minecraft, such as a helmet, chestplate, leggings, or boots | string | |
minecraftarmortier | Classification system for armor sets in Minecraft, indicating their effectiveness and protection level | string | |
minecraftbiome | Distinctive environmental regions in the game, characterized by unique terrain, vegetation, and weather | string | |
minecraftdye | Items used to change the color of various in-game objects | string | |
minecraftfood | Consumable items in Minecraft that provide nourishment to the player character | string | |
minecraftmobboss | Powerful hostile creature in the game, often found in challenging dungeons or structures | string | |
minecraftmobhostile | Aggressive creatures in the game that actively attack players when encountered | string | |
minecraftmobneutral | Creature in the game that only becomes hostile if provoked, typically defending itself when attacked | string | |
minecraftmobpassive | Non-aggressive creatures in the game that do not attack players | string | |
minecraftore | Naturally occurring minerals found in the game Minecraft, used for crafting purposes | string | |
minecrafttool | Items in Minecraft designed for specific tasks, including mining, digging, and building | string | |
minecraftvillagerjob | The profession or occupation assigned to a villager character in the game | string | |
minecraftvillagerlevel | Measure of a villager's experience and proficiency in their assigned job or profession | string | |
minecraftvillagerstation | Designated area or structure in Minecraft where villagers perform their job-related tasks and trading | string | |
minecraftweapon | Tools and items used in Minecraft for combat and defeating hostile mobs | string | |
minecraftweather | Atmospheric conditions in the game that include rain, thunderstorms, and clear skies, affecting gameplay and ambiance | string | |
minecraftwood | Natural resource in Minecraft, used for crafting various items and building structures | string | |