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Types and Params

We use gofakeit for generating the test data. The following are the available values for the columns[].type and columns[].params fields in Schema.

For example, if you want to generate credit card numbers in a column, put creditcardnumber in its type field, and you can specify the params field as { "types": ["visa"], "gaps": false }.


achaccountA bank account number used for Automated Clearing House transactions and electronic transfersstring
achroutingUnique nine-digit code used in the U.S. for identifying the bank and processing electronic transactionsstring
bitcoinaddressCryptographic identifier used to receive, store, and send Bitcoin cryptocurrency in a peer-to-peer networkstring
bitcoinprivatekeySecret, secure code that allows the owner to access and control their Bitcoin holdingsstring
creditcardPlastic card allowing users to make purchases on credit, with payment due at a later datemap[string]any
creditcardcvvThree or four-digit security code on a credit card used for online and remote transactionsstring
creditcardexpDate when a credit card becomes invalid and cannot be used for transactionsstring
creditcardnumberUnique numerical identifier on a credit card used for making electronic payments and transactionsstring
typesA select number of types you want to use when generating a credit card number[]stringFalseall
  • visa
  • mastercard
  • american-express
  • diners-club
  • discover
  • jcb
  • unionpay
  • maestro
  • elo
  • hiper
  • hipercard
  • binsOptional list of prepended bin numbers to pick from[]stringTrue
    gapsWhether or not to have gaps in numberboolFalsefalse
    creditcardtypeClassification of credit cards based on the issuing companystring
    currencyMedium of exchange, often in the form of paper money or coins, used for trade and transactionsmap[string]string
    currencylongComplete name of a specific currency used for official identification in financial transactionsstring
    currencyshortShort 3-letter word used to represent a specific currencystring
    priceThe amount of money or value assigned to a product, service, or asset in a transactionfloat64
    minMinimum price valuefloatFalse0
    maxMaximum price valuefloatFalse1000


    addressResidential location including street, city, state, country and postal codemap[string]any
    cityPart of a country with significant population, often a central hub for culture and commercestring
    countryNation with its own government and defined territorystring
    countryabrShortened 2-letter form of a country's namestring
    latitudeGeographic coordinate specifying north-south position on Earth's surfacefloat
    latituderangeLatitude number between the given range (default min=0, max=90)float
    minMinimum rangefloatFalse0
    maxMaximum rangefloatFalse90
    longitudeGeographic coordinate indicating east-west position on Earth's surfacefloat
    longituderangeLongitude number between the given range (default min=0, max=180)float
    minMinimum rangefloatFalse0
    maxMaximum rangefloatFalse180
    stateGovernmental division within a country, often having its own laws and governmentstring
    stateabrShortened 2-letter form of a country's statestring
    streetPublic road in a city or town, typically with houses and buildings on each sidestring
    streetnameName given to a specific road or streetstring
    streetnumberNumerical identifier assigned to a streetstring
    streetprefixDirectional or descriptive term preceding a street name, like 'East' or 'Main'string
    streetsuffixDesignation at the end of a street name indicating type, like 'Avenue' or 'Street'string
    zipNumerical code for postal address sorting, specific to a geographic areastring


    adjectiveWord describing or modifying a nounstring
    adjectivedemonstrativeAdjective used to point out specific thingsstring
    adjectivedescriptiveAdjective that provides detailed characteristics about a nounstring
    adjectiveindefiniteAdjective describing a non-specific nounstring
    adjectiveinterrogativeAdjective used to ask questionsstring
    adjectivepossessiveAdjective indicating ownership or possessionstring
    adjectiveproperAdjective derived from a proper noun, often used to describe nationality or originstring
    adjectivequantitativeAdjective that indicates the quantity or amount of somethingstring
    adverbWord that modifies verbs, adjectives, or other adverbsstring
    adverbdegreeAdverb that indicates the degree or intensity of an action or adjectivestring
    adverbfrequencydefiniteAdverb that specifies how often an action occurs with a clear frequencystring
    adverbfrequencyindefiniteAdverb that specifies how often an action occurs without specifying a particular frequencystring
    adverbmannerAdverb that describes how an action is performedstring
    adverbplaceAdverb that indicates the location or direction of an actionstring
    adverbtimedefiniteAdverb that specifies the exact time an action occursstring
    adverbtimeindefiniteAdverb that gives a general or unspecified time framestring
    commentStatement or remark expressing an opinion, observation, or reactionstring
    connectiveWord used to connect words or sentencesstring
    connectivecasualConnective word used to indicate a cause-and-effect relationship between events or actionsstring
    connectivecomparativeConnective word used to indicate a comparison between two or more thingsstring
    connectivecomplaintConnective word used to express dissatisfaction or complaints about a situationstring
    connectiveexamplifyConnective word used to provide examples or illustrations of a concept or ideastring
    connectivelistingConnective word used to list or enumerate items or examplesstring
    connectivetimeConnective word used to indicate a temporal relationship between events or actionsstring
    interjectionWord expressing emotionstring
    loremipsumparagraphParagraph of the Lorem Ipsum placeholder text used in design and publishingstring
    paragraphcountNumber of paragraphsintFalse2
    sentencecountNumber of sentences in a paragraphintFalse2
    wordcountNumber of words in a sentenceintFalse5
    paragraphseparatorString value to add between paragraphsstringFalse<br />
    loremipsumsentenceSentence of the Lorem Ipsum placeholder text used in design and publishingstring
    wordcountNumber of words in a sentenceintFalse5
    loremipsumwordWord of the Lorem Ipsum placeholder text used in design and publishingstring
    nounPerson, place, thing, or idea, named or referred to in a sentencestring
    nounabstractIdeas, qualities, or states that cannot be perceived with the five sensesstring
    nouncollectiveanimalGroup of animals, like a 'pack' of wolves or a 'flock' of birdsstring
    nouncollectivepeopleGroup of people or things regarded as a unitstring
    nouncollectivethingGroup of objects or items, such as a 'bundle' of sticks or a 'cluster' of grapesstring
    nouncommonGeneral name for people, places, or things, not specific or uniquestring
    nounconcreteNames for physical entities experienced through senses like sight, touch, smell, or tastestring
    nouncountableItems that can be counted individuallystring
    noundeterminerWord that introduces a noun and identifies it as a nounstring
    nounproperSpecific name for a particular person, place, or organizationstring
    noununcountableItems that can't be counted individuallystring
    paragraphDistinct section of writing covering a single theme, composed of multiple sentencesstring
    paragraphcountNumber of paragraphsintFalse2
    sentencecountNumber of sentences in a paragraphintFalse2
    wordcountNumber of words in a sentenceintFalse5
    paragraphseparatorString value to add between paragraphsstringFalse<br />
    phraseA small group of words standing togetherstring
    phraseadverbPhrase that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb, providing additional information.string
    phrasenounPhrase with a noun as its head, functions within sentence like a nounstring
    phraseprepositionPhrase starting with a preposition, showing relation between elements in a sentence.string
    phraseverbPhrase that Consists of a verb and its modifiers, expressing an action or statestring
    prepositionWords used to express the relationship of a noun or pronoun to other words in a sentencestring
    prepositioncompoundPreposition that can be formed by combining two or more prepositionsstring
    prepositiondoubleTwo-word combination preposition, indicating a complex relationstring
    prepositionsimpleSingle-word preposition showing relationships between 2 parts of a sentencestring
    pronounWord used in place of a noun to avoid repetitionstring
    pronoundemonstrativePronoun that points out specific people or thingsstring
    pronounindefinitePronoun that does not refer to a specific person or thingstring
    pronouninterrogativePronoun used to ask questionsstring
    pronounobjectPronoun used as the object of a verb or prepositionstring
    pronounpersonalPronoun referring to a specific persons or thingsstring
    pronounpossessivePronoun indicating ownership or belongingstring
    pronounreflectivePronoun referring back to the subject of the sentencestring
    pronounrelativePronoun that introduces a clause, referring back to a noun or pronounstring
    questionStatement formulated to inquire or seek clarificationstring
    quoteDirect repetition of someone else's wordsstring
    sentenceSet of words expressing a statement, question, exclamation, or commandstring
    wordcountNumber of words in a sentenceintFalse5
    sentencesimpleGroup of words that expresses a complete thoughtstring
    verbWord expressing an action, event or statestring
    verbactionVerb Indicating a physical or mental actionstring
    verbhelpingAuxiliary verb that helps the main verb complete the sentencestring
    verbintransitiveVerb that does not require a direct object to complete its meaningstring
    verblinkingVerb that Connects the subject of a sentence to a subject complementstring
    verbtransitiveVerb that requires a direct object to complete its meaningstring
    wordBasic unit of language representing a concept or thing, consisting of letters and having meaningstring


    animalLiving creature with the ability to move, eat, and interact with its environmentstring
    animaltypeType of animal, such as mammals, birds, reptiles, etc.string
    birdDistinct species of birdsstring
    catVarious breeds that define different catsstring
    dogVarious breeds that define different dogsstring
    farmanimalAnimal name commonly found on a farmstring
    petnameAffectionate nickname given to a petstring


    appauthorPerson or group creating and developing an applicationstring
    appnameSoftware program designed for a specific purpose or task on a computer or mobile devicestring
    appversionParticular release of an application in Semantic Versioning formatstring


    beeralcoholMeasures the alcohol content in beerstring
    beerblgScale indicating the concentration of extract in wortsstring
    beerhopThe flower used in brewing to add flavor, aroma, and bitterness to beerstring
    beeribuScale measuring bitterness of beer from hopsstring
    beermaltProcessed barley or other grains, provides sugars for fermentation and flavor to beerstring
    beernameSpecific brand or variety of beerstring
    beerstyleDistinct characteristics and flavors of beerstring
    beeryeastMicroorganism used in brewing to ferment sugars, producing alcohol and carbonation in beerstring


    blurbBrief description or summary of a company's purpose, products, or servicesstring
    bsRandom bs company wordstring
    buzzwordTrendy or overused term often used in business to sound impressivestring
    companyDesignated official name of a business or organizationstring
    companysuffixSuffix at the end of a company name, indicating business structure, like 'Inc.' or 'LLC'string
    jobPosition or role in employment, involving specific tasks and responsibilitiesmap[string]string
    jobdescriptorWord used to describe the duties, requirements, and nature of a jobstring
    joblevelRandom job levelstring
    jobtitleSpecific title for a position or role within a company or organizationstring
    sloganCatchphrase or motto used by a company to represent its brand or valuesstring


    bookWritten or printed work consisting of pages bound together, covering various subjects or storiesmap[string]string
    bookauthorThe individual who wrote or created the content of a bookstring
    bookgenreCategory or type of book defined by its content, style, or formstring
    booktitleThe specific name given to a bookstring


    boolData type that represents one of two possible values, typically true or falsebool
    flipacoinDecision-making method involving the tossing of a coin to determine outcomesstring
    uuid128-bit identifier used to uniquely identify objects or entities in computer systemsstring
    weightedRandomly select a given option based upon an equal amount of weightsany
    optionsArray of any values[]stringFalse
    weightsArray of weights[]floatFalse


    breakfastFirst meal of the day, typically eaten in the morningstring
    dessertSweet treat often enjoyed after a mealstring
    dinnerEvening meal, typically the day's main and most substantial mealstring
    drinkLiquid consumed for hydration, pleasure, or nutritional benefitsstring
    fruitEdible plant part, typically sweet, enjoyed as a natural snack or dessertstring
    lunchMidday meal, often lighter than dinner, eaten around noonstring
    snackRandom snackstring
    vegetableEdible plant or part of a plant, often used in savory cooking or saladsstring


    carWheeled motor vehicle used for transportationmap[string]any
    carfueltypeType of energy source a car usesstring
    carmakerCompany or brand that manufactures and designs carsstring
    carmodelSpecific design or version of a car produced by a manufacturerstring
    cartransmissiontypeMechanism a car uses to transmit power from the engine to the wheelsstring
    cartypeClassification of cars based on size, use, or body stylestring


    celebrityactorFamous person known for acting in films, television, or theaterstring
    celebritybusinessHigh-profile individual known for significant achievements in business or entrepreneurshipstring
    celebritysportFamous athlete known for achievements in a particular sportstring


    chromeuseragentThe specific identification string sent by the Google Chrome web browser when making requests on the internetstring
    domainnameHuman-readable web address used to identify websites on the internetstring
    domainsuffixThe part of a domain name that comes after the last dot, indicating its type or purposestring
    firefoxuseragentThe specific identification string sent by the Firefox web browser when making requests on the internetstring
    httpmethodVerb used in HTTP requests to specify the desired action to be performed on a resourcestring
    httpstatuscodeRandom http status codeint
    httpstatuscodesimpleThree-digit number returned by a web server to indicate the outcome of an HTTP requestint
    httpversionNumber indicating the version of the HTTP protocol used for communication between a client and a serverstring
    ipv4addressNumerical label assigned to devices on a network for identification and communicationstring
    ipv6addressNumerical label assigned to devices on a network, providing a larger address space than IPv4 for internet communicationstring
    loglevelClassification used in logging to indicate the severity or priority of a log entrystring
    macaddressUnique identifier assigned to network interfaces, often used in Ethernet networksstring
    operauseragentThe specific identification string sent by the Opera web browser when making requests on the internetstring
    safariuseragentThe specific identification string sent by the Safari web browser when making requests on the internetstring
    urlWeb address that specifies the location of a resource on the internetstring
    useragentString sent by a web browser to identify itself when requesting web contentstring


    colorHue seen by the eye, returns the name of the color like red or bluestring
    hexcolorSix-digit code representing a color in the color modelstring
    nicecolorsAttractive and appealing combinations of colors, returns an list of color hex codes[]string
    rgbcolorColor defined by red, green, and blue light values[]int
    safecolorColors displayed consistently on different web browsers and devicesstring


    csvIndividual lines or data entries within a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format[]byte
    delimiterSeparator in between row valuesstringFalse,
    rowcountNumber of rowsintFalse100
    fieldsFields containing key name and function[]FieldFalse
    fileextensionSuffix appended to a filename indicating its format or typestring
    filemimetypeDefines file format and nature for browsers and email clients using standardized identifiersstring
    jsonFormat for structured data interchange used in programming, returns an object or an array of objects[]byte
    typeType of JSON, object or arraystringFalseobject
  • object
  • array
  • rowcountNumber of rows in JSON arrayintFalse100
    indentWhether or not to add indents and newlinesboolFalsefalse
    fieldsFields containing key name and function to run in json format[]FieldFalse
    xmlGenerates an single or an array of elements in xml format[]byte
    typeType of XML, single or arraystringFalsesingle
  • single
  • array
  • rootelementRoot element wrapper namestringFalsexml
    recordelementRecord element for each record rowstringFalserecord
    rowcountNumber of rows in JSON arrayintFalse100
    indentWhether or not to add indents and newlinesboolFalsefalse
    fieldsFields containing key name and function to run in json format[]FieldFalse


    cusipUnique identifier for securities, especially bonds, in the United States and Canadastring
    isinInternational standard code for uniquely identifying securities worldwidestring


    dateRepresentation of a specific day, month, and year, often used for chronological referencestring
    formatDate time string format output. You may also use golang time format or java time formatstringFalseRFC3339
  • UnixDate
  • RubyDate
  • RFC822
  • RFC822Z
  • RFC850
  • RFC1123
  • RFC1123Z
  • RFC3339
  • RFC3339Nano
  • daterangeRandom date between two rangesstring
    startdateStart date time stringstringFalse1970-01-01
    enddateEnd date time stringstringFalse2024-03-20
    formatDate time string formatstringFalseyyyy-MM-dd
    day24-hour period equivalent to one rotation of Earth on its axisint
    futuretimeDate that has occurred after the current moment in timetime
    hourUnit of time equal to 60 minutesint
    minuteUnit of time equal to 60 secondsint
    monthDivision of the year, typically 30 or 31 days longstring
    monthstringString Representation of a month namestring
    nanosecondUnit of time equal to One billionth (10^-9) of a secondint
    pasttimeDate that has occurred before the current moment in timetime
    secondUnit of time equal to 1/60th of a minuteint
    timezoneRegion where the same standard time is used, based on longitudinal divisions of the Earthstring
    timezoneabvAbbreviated 3-letter word of a timezonestring
    timezonefullFull name of a timezonestring
    timezoneoffsetThe difference in hours from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for a specific regionfloat32
    timezoneregionGeographic area sharing the same standard timestring
    weekdayDay of the week excluding the weekendstring
    yearPeriod of 365 days, the time Earth takes to orbit the Sunint


    diceSmall, cube-shaped objects used in games of chance for random outcomes[]uint
    numdiceNumber of dice to rolluintFalse1
    sidesNumber of sides on each dice[]uintFalse[6]
    gamertagUser-selected online username or alias used for identification in gamesstring


    digitNumerical symbol used to represent numbersstring
    digitnstring of length N consisting of ASCII digitsstring
    countNumber of digits to generateuintFalse
    letterCharacter or symbol from the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) character setstring
    letternASCII string with length Nstring
    countNumber of digits to generateuintFalse
    lexifyReplace ? with random generated lettersstring
    strString value to replace ?'sstringFalse
    numerifyReplace # with random numerical valuesstring
    strString value to replace #'sstringFalse
    randomstringReturn a random string from a string array[]string
    strsDelimited separated strings[]stringFalse
    shufflestringsShuffle an array of strings[]string
    strsDelimited separated strings[]stringFalse
    vowelSpeech sound produced with an open vocal tractstring


    emailElectronic mail used for sending digital messages and communication over the internetstring
    firstnameThe name given to a person at birthstring
    genderClassification based on social and cultural norms that identifies an individualstring
    hobbyAn activity pursued for leisure and pleasurestring
    lastnameThe family name or surname of an individualstring
    middlenameName between a person's first name and last namestring
    nameThe given and family name of an individualstring
    nameprefixA title or honorific added before a person's namestring
    namesuffixA title or designation added after a person's namestring
    personPersonal data, like name and contact details, used for identification and communicationmap[string]any
    phoneNumerical sequence used to contact individuals via telephone or mobile devicesstring
    phoneformattedFormatted phone number of a personstring
    ssnUnique nine-digit identifier used for government and financial purposes in the United Statesstring
    teamsRandomly split people into teamsmap[string][]string
    peopleArray of people[]stringFalse
    teamsArray of teams[]stringFalse


    email_textWritten content of an email message, including the sender's message to the recipientstring
    markdownLightweight markup language used for formatting plain textstring
    templateGenerates document from templatestring
    templateGolang template to generate the document fromstringFalse
    dataCustom data to pass to the templatestringTrue


    emojiDigital symbol expressing feelings or ideas in text messages and online chatsstring
    emojialiasAlternative name or keyword used to represent a specific emoji in text or codestring
    emojicategoryGroup or classification of emojis based on their common theme or use, like 'smileys' or 'animals'string
    emojidescriptionBrief explanation of the meaning or emotion conveyed by an emojistring
    emojitagLabel or keyword associated with an emoji to categorize or search for it easilystring


    errorMessage displayed by a computer or software when a problem or mistake is encounteredstring
    errordatabaseA problem or issue encountered while accessing or managing a databasestring
    errorgrpcCommunication failure in the high-performance, open-source universal RPC frameworkstring
    errorhttpA problem with a web http requeststring
    errorhttpclientFailure or issue occurring within a client software that sends requests to web serversstring
    errorhttpserverFailure or issue occurring within a server software that recieves requests from clientsstring
    errorobjectVarious categories conveying details about encountered errorsstring
    errorruntimeMalfunction occuring during program execution, often causing abrupt termination or unexpected behaviorstring
    errorvalidationOccurs when input data fails to meet required criteria or format specificationsstring


    fixed_widthFixed width rows of output data based on input fields[]byte
    rowcountNumber of rowsintFalse10
    fieldsFields name, function and params[]FieldFalse
    generateRandom string generated from string value based upon available data setsstring
    strString value to generate fromstringFalse
    mapData structure that stores key-value pairsmap[string]any
    regexPattern-matching tool used in text processing to search and manipulate stringsstring
    strRegex RE2 syntax stringstringFalse


    float32Data type representing floating-point numbers with 32 bits of precision in computingfloat32
    float32rangeFloat32 value between given rangefloat32
    minMinimum float32 valuefloatFalse
    maxMaximum float32 valuefloatFalse
    float64Data type representing floating-point numbers with 64 bits of precision in computingfloat64
    float64rangeFloat64 value between given rangefloat64
    minMinimum float64 valuefloatFalse
    maxMaximum float64 valuefloatFalse
    hexuintHexadecimal representation of an unsigned integerstring
    bitSizeBit size of the unsigned integerintFalse8
    intSigned integerint
    int16Signed 16-bit integer, capable of representing values from 32,768 to 32,767int16
    int32Signed 32-bit integer, capable of representing values from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647int32
    int64Signed 64-bit integer, capable of representing values from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to -9,223,372,036,854,775,807int64
    int8Signed 8-bit integer, capable of representing values from -128 to 127int8
    intnInteger value between 0 and nint
    nMaximum int valueintFalse2147483647
    intrangeInteger value between given rangeint
    minMinimum int valueintFalse
    maxMaximum int valueintFalse
    numberMathematical concept used for counting, measuring, and expressing quantities or valuesint
    minMinimum integer valueintFalse-2147483648
    maxMaximum integer valueintFalse2147483647
    randomintRandomly selected value from a slice of intint
    intsDelimited separated integers[]intFalse
    randomuintRandomly selected value from a slice of uintuint
    uintsDelimited separated unsigned integers[]uintFalse
    shuffleintsShuffles an array of ints[]int
    intsDelimited separated integers[]intFalse
    uintUnsigned integeruint
    uint16Unsigned 16-bit integer, capable of representing values from 0 to 65,535uint16
    uint32Unsigned 32-bit integer, capable of representing values from 0 to 4,294,967,295uint32
    uint64Unsigned 64-bit integer, capable of representing values from 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615uint64
    uint8Unsigned 8-bit integer, capable of representing values from 0 to 255uint8
    uintnUnsigned integer between 0 and nuint
    nMaximum uint valueuintFalse4294967295
    uintrangeNon-negative integer value between given rangeuint
    minMinimum uint valueuintFalse0
    maxMaximum uint valueuintFalse4294967295


    hackerabbreviationAbbreviations and acronyms commonly used in the hacking and cybersecurity communitystring
    hackeradjectiveAdjectives describing terms often associated with hackers and cybersecurity expertsstring
    hackeringverbVerb describing actions and activities related to hacking, often involving computer systems and securitystring
    hackernounNoun representing an element, tool, or concept within the realm of hacking and cybersecuritystring
    hackerphraseInformal jargon and slang used in the hacking and cybersecurity communitystring
    hackerverbVerbs associated with actions and activities in the field of hacking and cybersecuritystring


    hipsterparagraphParagraph showcasing the use of trendy and unconventional vocabulary associated with hipster culturestring
    paragraphcountNumber of paragraphsintFalse2
    sentencecountNumber of sentences in a paragraphintFalse2
    wordcountNumber of words in a sentenceintFalse5
    paragraphseparatorString value to add between paragraphsstringFalse<br />
    hipstersentenceSentence showcasing the use of trendy and unconventional vocabulary associated with hipster culturestring
    wordcountNumber of words in a sentenceintFalse5
    hipsterwordTrendy and unconventional vocabulary used by hipsters to express unique cultural preferencesstring


    imagejpegImage file format known for its efficient compression and compatibility[]byte
    widthImage width in pxintFalse500
    heightImage height in pxintFalse500
    imagepngImage file format known for its lossless compression and support for transparency[]byte
    widthImage width in pxintFalse500
    heightImage height in pxintFalse500


    inputnameAttribute used to define the name of an input element in web formsstring
    svgScalable Vector Graphics used to display vector images in web contentstring
    widthWidth in pxintFalse500
    heightHeight in pxintFalse500
    typeSub child element typestringTrue
  • rect
  • circle
  • ellipse
  • line
  • polyline
  • polygon
  • colorsHex or RGB array of colors to use[]stringTrue


    languageSystem of communication using symbols, words, and grammar to convey meaning between individualsstring
    languageabbreviationShortened form of a language's namestring
    languagebcpSet of guidelines and standards for identifying and representing languages in computing and internet protocolsstring
    programminglanguageFormal system of instructions used to create software and perform computational tasksstring


    minecraftanimalNon-hostile creatures in Minecraft, often used for resources and farmingstring
    minecraftarmorpartComponent of an armor set in Minecraft, such as a helmet, chestplate, leggings, or bootsstring
    minecraftarmortierClassification system for armor sets in Minecraft, indicating their effectiveness and protection levelstring
    minecraftbiomeDistinctive environmental regions in the game, characterized by unique terrain, vegetation, and weatherstring
    minecraftdyeItems used to change the color of various in-game objectsstring
    minecraftfoodConsumable items in Minecraft that provide nourishment to the player characterstring
    minecraftmobbossPowerful hostile creature in the game, often found in challenging dungeons or structuresstring
    minecraftmobhostileAggressive creatures in the game that actively attack players when encounteredstring
    minecraftmobneutralCreature in the game that only becomes hostile if provoked, typically defending itself when attackedstring
    minecraftmobpassiveNon-aggressive creatures in the game that do not attack playersstring
    minecraftoreNaturally occurring minerals found in the game Minecraft, used for crafting purposesstring
    minecrafttoolItems in Minecraft designed for specific tasks, including mining, digging, and buildingstring
    minecraftvillagerjobThe profession or occupation assigned to a villager character in the gamestring
    minecraftvillagerlevelMeasure of a villager's experience and proficiency in their assigned job or professionstring
    minecraftvillagerstationDesignated area or structure in Minecraft where villagers perform their job-related tasks and tradingstring
    minecraftweaponTools and items used in Minecraft for combat and defeating hostile mobsstring
    minecraftweatherAtmospheric conditions in the game that include rain, thunderstorms, and clear skies, affecting gameplay and ambiancestring
    minecraftwoodNatural resource in Minecraft, used for crafting various items and building structuresstring


    movieA story told through moving pictures and soundmap[string]string
    moviegenreCategory that classifies movies based on common themes, styles, and storytelling approachesstring
    movienameTitle or name of a specific film used for identification and referencestring


    passwordSecret word or phrase used to authenticate access to a system or accountstring
    lowerWhether or not to add lower case charactersboolFalsetrue
    upperWhether or not to add upper case charactersboolFalsetrue
    numericWhether or not to add numeric charactersboolFalsetrue
    specialWhether or not to add special charactersboolFalsetrue
    spaceWhether or not to add spacesboolFalsefalse
    lengthNumber of characters in passwordintFalse12
    usernameUnique identifier assigned to a user for accessing an account or systemstring


    productAn item created for sale or usemap[string]any
    productcategoryClassification grouping similar products based on shared characteristics or functionsstring
    productdescriptionExplanation detailing the features and characteristics of a productstring
    productfeatureSpecific characteristic of a product that distinguishes it from others productsstring
    productmaterialThe substance from which a product is made, influencing its appearance, durability, and propertiesstring
    productnameDistinctive title or label assigned to a product for identification and marketingstring
    productupcStandardized barcode used for product identification and tracking in retail and commercestring


    schoolAn institution for formal education and learningstring


    sqlCommand in SQL used to add new data records into a database tablestring
    tableName of the table to insert intostringFalse
    countNumber of inserts to generateintFalse100
    fieldsFields containing key name and function to run in json format[]FieldFalse